Pane di Como (Italian Como Bread)

About a month ago, I found myself browsing a lovely bookstore where I found some wonderful used cookbooks. (Yay!) While not one of the used ones, I came across a great deal on Daniel Leader's Local Breads, which I could not pass up. I had been wanting to try to make some sourdough for a long … Continue reading Pane di Como (Italian Como Bread)

Rye Bread

A couple weeks ago, I finally decided to try making a sourdough starter. I had been wanting to try it for a long time, but it just took a while to get up the courage to actually do it. Well, sadly, it did not work out. (As a side note, I do think I've figured … Continue reading Rye Bread


Over the past few weeks, I've started to feel like I'm really making progress with my bread baking. Between the crusty country loaf, the cranberry walnut bread, and the walnut onion bread, things seem to be improving. With the momentum from these successes, I finally got up the courage to try a bread that had been at the … Continue reading Ciabatta