Olive Bread Revisited

I absolutely love olive bread. When done well, it has a wonderful flavor, a beautiful, chewy crust, and a soft, open crumb. A while ago, I tried making some myself. (See here for my first attempt.) It wasn't bad, but it also wasn't great. It was actually a little bland and lacked the really nice crust and … Continue reading Olive Bread Revisited

English Muffins

Lately, I've been frequently ending up with homemade bread for brunch on the weekends. Sometimes (like the brioche) it's because I made it specifically for that purpose, and other times (like the cottage dill bread), I simply had leftovers from the week. It's been great! Keeping with this theme, last week, I decided to prepare some … Continue reading English Muffins


As you may know, I absolutely love brunch. It's probably my favorite meal. I also love bread. So, naturally, I love brioche. It's such a wonderful brunch bread! Super soft and buttery and makes an incredible French toast! Last week, I decided to try making my own brioche, resulting in two wonderful brunches over the … Continue reading Brioche